Tech Stack ⚙️:
A MERN stack to-do list app with separate list for each user and OAuth as well as local login feature. The users can create, edit and delete tasks. Used Redux to store the login session info on the frontend. Used passport.js to authenticate users on the backend.
Tech Stack ⚙️:
A chat app built using Node.js (backend), React (frontend) and Socket.IO for data sharing. It makes use of the concept of web sockets to enable real time communications. The users can send plain text messages as well as location links.
Tech Stack ⚙️:
A Course Management Website where students can enroll in the courses and the teachers can keep track of the courses enrolled by the students and award them course credits.
Tech Stack ⚙️:
An ATM System Management app built using Node.js and MySQL. The user can create a new bank account and login using local authentication. It features CRUD operations as well as use of SQL Triggers. The user can view all their transactions in the Transactions Page.
Programming Wiki API
Tech Stack ⚙️:
A REST API that serves programming articles and offers a variety of filtering methods (random article, searching by title and tags).
Weather App
Tech Stack ⚙️:
A weather app built using React which is used to fetch the weather data from the Open Weather api using the axios library.